Everyday, I logged in to DM and I am really amazed on how runners in the US (especially the Ambassadors of DM) train hard. You can check out their pages and you will certainly drool in the gears that they are using, the training mileage, the marathons and ultra-marathons they've been participating.
Just recently, Brodie Wise from Silver Spring, Maryland had a surgery (June 9). Doctors had to let him literally STOP RUNNING for the next 3 weeks. It may sound sad for him but guess what, Dailymilers setup a challenge called Run for Brodie. Each dailymiler is challenged to ran for 3 miles for Brodie. And that week, I JUST DID! :-)
I'd like to say that Brodie has inspired me even though I don't know him personally. But he has inspired runners to be healthy, to have an active lifestyle, and to persevere each time we ran. And he has been contagious!!! Thanks to you Brodie. Get well soon!
Anwyay Brodie, here's a question: What is the scientific name of being addicted to dailymile? :-)
Dailymilus Adiktus, hehehe! -a friend of yours from DM. :D